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Bar Yaacov, D. (2022). Functional Analysis of ADARs in Planarians Supports a Bilaterian Ancestral Role in Suppressing Double-Stranded RNA-Response. PLoS Pathogens 18(1): e1010250.
Meshnik, L., Bar Yaacov, D., Kasztan, D., Neiger, T., Cohen, T., Kishner, M., Valenci, I., Dadon, S., Klein, CJ., Vance, JM., Nevo, Y., Zuchner, S., Ovadia, O., Mishmar, D., Ben-Zvi, A. (2022). Mutant C. elegans mitofusin leads to selective removal of mtDNA heteroplasmic deletions across generations to maintain fitness. BMC Biology 20, 40.
Dan Bar Yaacov, Yitzhak Pilpel and Orna Dahan. RNA editing in bacteria: occurrence, regulation and significance. RNA Biology (2018). 15: 863-867. doi:10.1080/15476286.2018.1481698
Modi Safra, Aldema Sas-Chen, Ronit Nir, Roni Winkler, Aharon Nachshon, Dan Bar Yaacov, Matthias Erlacher, Walter Rossmanith, Noam Stern-Ginossar & Schraga Schwartz. The m1A landscape on cytosolic and mitochondrial mRNA at single-base resolution. Nature (2017). 551:251–255. doi:10.1038/nature24456
Dan Bar Yaacov, Ernest Mordret, Ruth Towers, Tammy Biniashvili, Clara Soyris, Schraga Schwartz, Orna Dahan and Yitzhak Pilpel. RNA Editing in Bacteria Recodes Multiple Proteins and Regulates an Evolutionarily Conserved Toxin-Antitoxin System. Genome Research (2017). 27:1696-1703. doi: 10.1101/gr.222760.117.
Dan Bar Yaacov, Idan Frumkin, Yuka Yashiro, Takeshi Chujo, Yuma Ishigami, Yonatan Chemla, Amit Blumberg, Orr Schlesinger, Philipp Bieri, Basil Greber, Nenad Ban, Raz Zarivach, Lital Alfonta, Yitzhak Pilpel, Tsutomu Suzuki and Dan Mishmar. Mitochondrial 16S rRNA is methylated by tRNA methyltransferase TRMT61B in all vertebrates. PLoS Biology (2016) 14(9): e1002557. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002557
Dan Bar Yaacov, Zena Hadjivasiliou, Liron Levin, Raz Zarivach, Amos Bouskila and Dan Mishmar. Mitochondrial involvement in vertebrate speciation? The case of mito-nuclear genetic divergence in chameleons. Genome Biology and Evolution (2015) 7 (12): 3322-3336. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evv226.
Liron Levin*, Dan Bar-Yaacov*, Amos Bouskila, Michal Chorev, Liran Carmel and Dan Mishmar. LEMONS - a tool for the identification of splice junctions in transcriptomes of organisms lacking reference genomes. PLOS ONE (2015), doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0143329.
Itay Valenci, Lital Yonai, Dan Bar Yaacov, Dan Mishmar and Anat Ben-Zvi. Parkin modulates heteroplasmy of truncated mtDNA in Caenorhabditis elegans. Mitochondrion (2015), 20: 64-70. doi:10.1016/j.mito.2014.11.001
Dan Bar Yaacov*, Gal Avital*, Liron Levin, Allison Richards, Naomi Hachen, Boris Rebolledo Jaramillo, Anton Nekrutenko, Raz Zarivach and Dan Mishmar. RNA-DNA differences in human mitochondria restore ancestral form of 16S ribosomal RNA. Genome Research (2013). 23: 1789-1796. doi: 10.1101/gr.161265.113
Dan Bar Yaacov, Amos Bouskila and Dan Mishmar. The first chameleon transcriptome: Comparative genomic analysis of the OXPHOS system reveals loss of COX8 in iguanian lizards. Genome Biology and Evolution, (2013) 5 (10): 1792-1799. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evt131, Cover.
Dan Bar Yaacov*, Karmit Arbel Thau*, Yael Zilka, Ofer Ovadia, Amos Bouskila, Dan Mishmar. Mitochondrial DNA variation, but not nuclear DNA, sharply divides morphologically identical chameleons along an ancient geographic barrier, PLOS ONE, (2012).
​Dan Bar Yaacov, Amit Blumberg and Dan Mishmar. Mitochondrial-nuclear co evolution and its effects on OXPHOS activity and regulation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, (2012). 1819: 1107-1111.
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